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Sites 1-8 of 34

Arts and Consciousness
  A glimpse on paintings, science news, ecology news, Hindu spirituality with an art and art therapy gallery, and a children's drawing gallery.
Nick Barker : Net Art Projects
  Art created on the computer for the internet.
Commission Control
  Draws upon divergent representations of contemporary warfare. Begun before the escalation of war in the Balkans (1999), this site responds to the anti-social imperatives of war industry, and to the relationship between military industries and the media.
The Experimental Party
  An initiative of the US Department of Art & Technology, the Experimental Party is an artist-based political party,
Revue Interstice
  Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content.
Sally Blue's Web Site
  My Anti-Bush and Anti-Iraq War paintings and essays on "Bush and war" by other people.
M.F.U. - an inner journey
  Paintings devoted to women rights, anti-war, anti-pollution.
Acosta. Art and human rights
  Art can be a metaphysical desire, an aesthetic experience, a creation of forms or ideas that symbolize human emotions. We are in favour of all that, but the human manifestation can be at the same time sublime singing...

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