How You Can Change the World - A site offering a peaceful and optimistic vision for the future.
News Alternative - Stories you don't hear much about - Alternative News and Views - With a special focus on Iraq.
Brasil contra a guerra - Site in portughese Brazil, Anti-War.
Antiwar Directory - The main purpose of the site is to provide a useful search tool of antiwar/peace movement site. Also recent news and analysis related to the peace movement.
Project Strait Gate - A Peace project tutorial: How and why to organize a vigil at a church that does not oppose war. What do say, do and take, and what not to do
anti-war web-demo - The purpose of this homepage is to reveal the figures of people who are saying
Pictures That bush Does Not Want You To See - Disturbing pictures of the Atrocities commited on Iraq. - Articles, action notices, news and reports related to anti-war/anti-occupation events in Canada's capital and around the world