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Sites 17-22 of 22

Smiling Foe
  We're a punk band from Raleigh, NC who wants to put an end to war. Peace will never be achieved, but lets do the best we fucking can.
Hyena Suite
  A political punk band with multiple anti-war songs.
Musical Uprising
  Revolutionary Music Collection
New Songs for Peace
  This UNESCO-endorsed project is intended to encourage people to think about peace, talk about peace, and write a new song that we will collect and self-publish in a book. These songs will promote peace, cultural acceptance and understanding.
Killing in the Name of God
  An anti-war song with a passionate plea for peace. Email response to pmccann_at_austin.rr.com song at http://soundsofaustin.com/killing.htm
The Compassionate Conservatives
  Our mission is to uncover the deception, hypocrisy, and arrogance of the court-appointed Bush Administration through the power of music. We release all songs in MP3 format for free download... no strings attached. We are not in this for the money.

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