/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Sites 9-16 of 39

  A psychaotic manifestorium by the premiere Drugly American
Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin
  An attempt to make people aware of the terrible cost of the Iraq War.
War Clock Ticking
  Noise against Bush
Jealous Twin
  energetic and loud, a little cross, and occasionaly rude. i love my job but hate my boss and the whole of the NHS, i am colourful, and learning to drive.. have a cuppa and relax along with me....and my fruit loop of a blog thang.
  An experimental portfolio project that houses the works of OZ (Oussama) Mubarak
Churchill Bust
  A slow burning campaign, seeking to confront the British Government regarding the loan of a Bust of Winston Churchill to George Bush by Tony Blair shortly after Bush took office. The site takes offence at the Bush/Blair conspiracy to defraud the Britis
i am a donut
  the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings
  Free mind. Free people. Free culture - no repression, no war, no occupation.

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