Dave Gwyther - Protest singer Dave Gwyther sings about the notions of freedom, war, terrorism and apartheid with the occasional tale of love and adventure.
Red Statement - All things grim, womyn and revolutionary.
Chicago FreeSpeechZone - A literary journalism project focused on the men and women of Chicago's peace movement - and the city's efforts to suppress it.
Push Bush! - This site was created as a sarcastic and funny protest against our Commander and Thief, George W. Bush.
Pleine-Peau - Personnellement, je suis contre. (la guerre). [Leads to Smithsonian's "The Underwater Web" website, specifically the section entitled "War and Peace"]
Lucy's View - Anti-war, atheist, anti-hunting, pacifist, left-wing, left-leaning website.
Uncommon Thought Journal - Analysis and discussion of the critical issues of our times. Topics range from US politicas and imperialism to globalization, and from environment to social justice.
End Evil - Satire, political criticism, quotes, multinational blacklist and funny pictures.