/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Welcome to Your Portal for Infinite Possibility
  There is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation - Reclaim the conversation. Our New World Order is Love!
Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil
  An anti-war, anti-racist www site aimed mainly at students, school workers, profs, parents and community people offering research and calls to action which link the connections of capital, racism, education, and war.
The Earth Force United Organization
  We focus on peace and anti-war issue, as well as racism, sexism, the environment, world health problems and animal welfare. We offer many ways to put your feelings into action. Information and links to websites to learn about issues that matter to you.
Up Against the War
  This customizable script periodically changes the bg & text colors, and replaces the title, status bar, and button and text form element values with various anti-war slogans. You may also choose to temporarily replace all the images.
  A weblog written by a radical anti-war student.
Away With The Fairys
  Music focusing on anti war themes and social comment,and good source links to alternative news sites and articles,etc
Become Active
  Become active - This is YOUR country! Dedicated to building awareness of issues and encouraging activism to reclaim America.
::uncomfortably numb::
  A blog about life and the human condition, through personal experience, and a strong, obsessive need to right as many wrongs as possible (mine included)...peace, war, politics, love, acceptance, opinions, news, wisdom, kindness, and knowledge....

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