No Contact Politics - What is the way? Comment on life, politics and culture from some guy who studied too much history... - Progressive news, anti-war, advocates change in current Administration policies.
The War Around Us - Subjects: War poem, government lies, relationship between war and money, Vietnam, Dresden
What Are We Fighting For - Site dedicated to promoting peace awareness.
Dispotheque - A contemporary art web site with online art, essays and bookmarks. With regard to war infotainment, see the essay Theatre of Operations, as well as Sniper, D'autant qu'à plusieurs (What is More With Many), etc. Languages: French and English
The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game - This is not a game. The exhibition will take place in the fall of 2003 in
Thessaloniki, and will travel to Bucharest and other cities.
Push Bush! - This site was created as a sarcastic and funny protest against our Commander and Thief, George W. Bush.
i am a donut - the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings