/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
One among 400,000
  A personal document of the protest that took place in London, UK on September 28th 2002 to stop the war against Iraq.
Revue Interstice
  Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content.
Red Buddha Designs
  Peace and Social Justice as an artform!
AlienLove Online
  Politics, News, Forums, Art, Fun
Resources antiwar
  Resources antiwar: News on Iraq war, International answer, photos, humour??
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
American T-shirt Patriotism
  Andrej Tisma's T-shirt designs for American and world-wide patriots who oppose the war in Iraq.
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.

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