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Sites 1-6 of 6

Nerd Boy
  A daily updated on-line ASCII comic strip.
  A minimalist ASCII webcomic featuring office and geek humor.
Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Geekiness
  An ASCII webcomic featuring three geek roomies and their escapades. Updated MWF.
ASCII Sandbox
  Random ASCII drawings, including animated GIF and JMOV ASCII movies. It's really a swell little spot, and now with 50% less calories!
Les Caribouteries
  Containing both ASCII comics (called "Caribouteries") and cartoons (called "Mangaribous"), this 99.5% French site displays a whole set of ASCII arts all dedicated to one thing : the Caribou (yes, the animal) !
Chickenman - an asciimated comic strip
  The asciimated adventures of the hero, Chickenman, and his trusty sidekick, Red Ted.

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