Exxon/Mobil Crime Lab - Corrupt energy policy, failure to act on global warming, oil wars. Bush and his oil barons are bad for humanity.
bushwax.org - Politicize your pubes!
banbushfromtexas - Research forum for articles about environment, war, other general anti-bush stuff.
Get Bush Out of Office!!! - Gives general info on the problem with Bush, along with links to anti-Bush organizations that anyone can join and support, and information on the other, better candidates for office.
Extra Padding - A weekly humor magazine featuring "The News!" which generally has at least two stories concerning the farce that is the Bush administration.
Freedom Counter - Bush Term Countdown - Online timer counts down until Bush's term expires. Shows how much time is left in Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Novelty site, but has started a few conversations.
Bartski Studios - An irreverant look at life... An anti-War and Anti-Bush website. Lots of Flash ads for your use.
The Free Phoenix - Liberal humor, Political Cartoons, Vital News, anti-bush news.