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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 9-16 of 20

  I make a video series, "A Daily Reminder To President George W. Bush That He Sucks". I post them on YouTube every weekday (and some weekend days too). I started on May 8, 2007 and will continue until he leaves office or our troops return home from Iraq.
Get Bush Out of Office!!!
  Gives general info on the problem with Bush, along with links to anti-Bush organizations that anyone can join and support, and information on the other, better candidates for office.
Bartski Studios
  An irreverant look at life... An anti-War and Anti-Bush website. Lots of Flash ads for your use.
Freedom Counter - Bush Term Countdown
  Online timer counts down until Bush's term expires. Shows how much time is left in Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Novelty site, but has started a few conversations.
The OUTlook
  News, opinion, bulletin boards, and information sharing relating to OUT culture. Portland, Oregon, area.
Bush Campaign 2004
   Bush's policy... in a nutshell...
  A mosaic composed of images of soldiers who have died in Iraq.
  Bush depicted as an evildoer of classic proportions.

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