Don't blame me... I Voted for Kerry - Edwards - An attempt to let people tell the world they are NOT to blame for re-electing an
The Twisted Humor of Sheila K. Watkins - Just the beginnings of a humor site including humor aimed at the current administration. (So far only a couple of parodies but I plan on much more.)
Subversive stickers - Annoying politically incorrect stickers mostly depicting George Bush being a dope. - Wipe Your Tush with Bush Toilet Paper and other T-shirts.
No W! - Anti-Bush T-shirts. Part of every sale is donated to the Kerry/Edwards campaign. - You can't spell BUllSHit without BUSH.
Shirts / Mugs / Stickers / Postcards
John Kerry, because the alternative's SCARY! - Cool, NON-STODGY T-shirts, stickers, buttons and other gear, with my original slogal
Liberal American - T-shirts, bags, mugs, lunch boxes, etc., adorned with pro-liberal slogans.