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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 9-16 of 19

Smash Bush
  A place for anyone curious about the truth behind the Bush campaigns, the rhetoric, and what the administration has actually done. It contains a Flash game where you can hit random George Bush heads that pop out of the ground.
Ch!ck@n F*ck#rs.
  Gag on these southern fried nuggets.
AmBushed: America under Bush
  Humor and satire about America under Bush
  a tribute
Fahrenheit 9/11
  Homepage and clips from Michael Moore's documentary.
Withdrawal Wizard Iraq Edition
  Uninstall the virus that is Bush leadership!
Wearable Dissent
  Florida Vote interface from the impartial Jeb Bush and Co.
  BAGnewsNotes is a blog featuring select left wing graphics, as well as the BAGnews cartoon.

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