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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 9-16 of 19

Ch!ck@n F*ck#rs.
  Gag on these southern fried nuggets.
The new Iraqi flag
  The new design for the Iraqi flag reflects the priorities of the occupiers and shows us once again why Bush sucks!
The Angry Codger
  The main feature is a downloadable new anti-Bush game called Flush-a-Bush.
Fahrenheit 9/11
  Homepage and clips from Michael Moore's documentary.
Wearable Dissent
  Florida Vote interface from the impartial Jeb Bush and Co.
News Mutiny
  Nasty leftist political and cultural satire that's as insightful and funny as Stephen Hawking on shrooms.
Those Bastards!
  Meanest weblog on the Web!
  a tribute

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